Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reward for helping !

As we all know and as mentioned in the previous post that Rajdhani train caught fire in 3 wagons, though none of the passengers were badly injured. And this was made possible by the pantry workers in the train as they rushed to help people in the wagons and inform them about the incident and detached the wagons of the train so that the overall harm and devastation could be reduced.
For doing such a remarkable help and shoiwng a true example of bravery, the train employees were given mere Rs. 3000. Which implies 333.33 Rs/- per employee as there were in all 9 employees.
The passengeres were given Rs. 5000 each
And And And the worldcup winners were given milions of Rs.
This can happen only here in India that saviour is not given anything rather the one saved is still given some. PPssstttt

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